je souhaitais vous presenter mon jeu disponible des demain en Early Access sur la plateforme Steam.
Jeu d'action/aventure basé sur le tir longue distance en vue 3eme et 1ere personne.
n'hésiter pas si vous avez des remarques ou questions...
Lien Page Steam :
make your way behind enemy lines in different environments like desert,jungle and island.
You are a sniper : Use your anemometer to know the wind speed, control your breath and apply windage and elevation corrections in your scope depending the distance.
- To complete missions you will need your horse and helicopter.
- Third person view and Fps view (depending the mission)
- 3 modes (training, mission and sniper challenge)
- 4 achievements
the training is the only key to touch a target over 1000 meters.
good luck.